"Quis desiderio sit pudor aut modus
Tam cari Capitis" - (Hor. Car. i. 24.)
What Horace sang of Virgil may well be said of the subject of this plate; for what words could express the grief and regret we all felt at the sad and sudden end of our much loved Master, "tam cari Capitis"?
A master of hounds has many, nay daily, opportunities for consulting his own private convenience, wishes, and comfort; and, naturally, has equal opportunities to forget himself and think only of the sport and desires of his field. According as he does one or the other, will he be regarded with esteem and affection. Certainly no one could be more considerate and self-forgetful than our Captain.
When to this fine characteristic we add a noble presence, a genial manner springing from real kindness of heart, adequate means and an open-handed use of the same, and last, but not least, an inborn love of hounds and thorough knowledge of hunting in all its branches, and, as a graceful ornament, a popular Helpmeet, a true partner of his interests, we have indeed an ideal master such as can rarely be found. It did not need so tragical an end to a life of kindness and generosity to make our grief unlimited and our loss irreparable. Such was our PARK YATES! "He was a man, take him for all in all, we shall not look upon his like again."
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